

Item ID:198h

Found in the Hall of Past.
Contains hint how to read symbols on the Gaelin Stone in the Chamber of Gorrors to solve Second Test in the City of Sky.
It reads:

* STAR *
As thy gaze doth turn to 
the heavens to behold the 
mystery of the stars, thee 
looks into the mirror of thy 

Dost thou see the deep well 
of all things...

Or only the swirling chaos 
of anarchy in motion...

Therein doth the memories 
of past meet the visions of 
future, and therein lies the 
inevitable destiny of all 

To divine the order from the 
chaos, the beauty within the 
cascading tumult of the 
world in which he is both 
surrounded and a part...

This is the unique gift of 
Man, that by which he alone 
is separated from all others...

This is his purpose, his 
significance, and his 

This is that by which he 
doth witness the relentless 
torrents of change, as all 
life doth move both within 
him and without, and from 
thus divine order, that he 

might realize his purpose 
and his meaning...

Look upon life as thee may 
look upon the stone...

And create thee then thine 
own order...

Look first at a man, and if 
thee looks rightly, then soon 
shall ye come full circle...

Then look beneath him, and 
if thee looks rightly, then 
soon shall thee once again 
come full circle...

Thus may thee divine the 
puzzle from the pieces, and 
from it derive thy solutions...

Thus may thee divine the 
order from the chaos, and 
from it derive thy 