Dionysceus, the Great Tower of Dane

Level 1, Temple of the Initiate

  1. Exit to the Orchids Field.
  2. Almagorte. Sells Jonga Powder.
  3. Secret Button.
  4. Golden Urn. Use Jonga Powder.
  5. Choking Gas (when not disabled by jonga powder).
  6. Marble Altar. Use Golden Idol.
  7. Chest with Golden Idol. Guarded by Spirit of Dane who will left you Ashes of Diam after defeating.
  8. Stairs to Level 2.

Level 2, Temple of Divine Order

  1. Stairs to Level 1
  2. Search for Belcanozr's Advertisement.
  3. Golden Urn. Use Jonga Powder.
  4. Step to close pits.
  5. Silenced (when not disabled by jonga powder).
  6. Belcanzor's Magic Emporum.
  7. Secret Buttons.
  8. Chest with Golden Idol.
  9. Marble Altar. Use Golden Idol.
  10. Stairs to Level 3.

Level 3, Temple of Eternal Night

  1. Stairs to Level 2.
  2. Golden Urn. Use Jonga Powder.
  3. Veggified & Fight (when not disabled by jonga powder).
  4. Healing Fountain.
  5. Teleport to the Meditation Chamber.
  6. Meditation Chamber. Get Key of the Beast. After killing Psi-Beast return and Meditate. Those who won't fall asleep will gain Mind Control.
  7. Search for Golden Idol.
  8. Marble Altar. Use Golden Idol.
  9. Use Key of the Beast.
  10. Psi-Beast. Says MOO when die.
  11. Stairs to Level 4

Level 4, Temple of Aerial Whimsey

  1. Stairs to Level 3.
  2. Vision of Astral Dominae. Golden Idol.
  3. Chest with Key of the Stone.
  4. Use Key of the Stone.
  5. Chest with Stone of Gates.
  6. Marble Altar. Use Golden Idol.
  7. Stairs to Level 5.

Level 5, Temple of Deadly Coffers

  1. Stairs to Level 4.
  2. Golden Urn. Use Jonga Powder.
  3. Chest with Coffer Key (undisarmable).
  4. Use on of the Coffer Keys.
  5. Veggified (when not disabled by jonga powder).
  6. Marble Altar. Use Golden Idol.
  7. Chest.
  8. Chest with Golden Idol.
  9. Secret Button.
  10. Chest with *Crystal* Map.
  11. Stairs to Level 6.

Level 6, Temple of The Wanderers

  1. Stairs to Level 5.
  2. Spinner Room.
  3. Wall Changer. When you steps on them, some walls will close others will open, so dont rely much on map walls.
  4. Chest with Golden Idol.
  5. Fall from Level 8.
  6. Fiery Path. Must kill Magna Dane to stop Fireballs.
  7. Lever. Changes walls.
  8. Chrome Gate - use Chrome Key.
  9. Chest with Book of Immortals, Silent Lyre, and Milk of Magmanasia.
  10. Secret Button.
  11. Chest with Chrome Key.Alos Wall Changer.
  12. Marble Altar. Use Golden Idol.
  13. Secret Button.
  14. Chest with Key of Ascension.
  15. Teleport to Level 1.
  16. Use Key of Ascension.
  17. Teleport to Level 8.
  18. Stairs to Level 7.
  19. Temple of Magna Dane. Use Ring of Demons.
  20. Magna Dane.
  21. Fountain (turns to Stone).
  22. Healing Fountain.
  23. Secret Button.
  24. Use Cornu of Demonspawn.
  25. Chest with Coil of the Serpent and Jeweled Cushion.

Level 7, Incineration Chamber

  1. Cornu of Demonspawn.
  2. Ladder to Level 6.
  3. Stairs to Level 8.
  4. Stairs to Level 6.

Level 8, Top of the Tower

  1. Teleport to Level 6.
  2. Teleport to the Pit.
  3. Stairs to Level 7.
  4. The Pit. Use Munk Innards, Ashes of Diam and Stone of Gates to summon *SPAWN*.
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