New City

  1. To Orchids Field.
  2. First time: guardian. Say Paluke or Armory to pass.
  3. Paluke's armory shop.
  4. Teleport in T'Rshieches House leads to Nyctalinth.
  5. Shritis T'Rang.
  6. Shritis' chest. Contains Control Card.
  7. Conqueror Inn & Tavern. Dungore.
  8. Statue of Phoonzang. Search for Moonstone.
  9. Thesminster Abbey. Father Rulae. Say: Holy Sacrament to enter cellar with the healing fountain.
  10. Abbey Cellar.
  11. Rossarian's weaponry shop. Say Black Market to get access.
  12. Search for Black Wafer.
  13. To Munkharama/Castle Orkogre.
  14. Chest.
  15. Sleeping Savant Guard. Guards Book of Fables.
  16. New City Library. Prof. Wunderland. Ask him for Archives.
  17. Teleport in the Umpani Detache leads to Ukpyr.
  18. Rodan Lewarx.
  19. Secured Door (code may be found in the Security Room in Ukpyr: 2723539).
  20. Chest with Comm-Link Device.
  21. Bank & Load. Search for Copper Penny. Secret Button
  22. Chest (Kiss of Death trap).
  23. New city Dock&Marina. Sogheim.
  24. Curio Museum. Use Copper Penny found in Bank's Vault.
  25. Wand Majestik. Receive Rebus Egge & get diseased.
  26. Twisted Heads. Press them in order found on the *Boat* Map (Scared, Angry, Laughing, Silent, Suprised, Happy).
  27. Wikum Boat. Use Wikum's Powerglobe from Munkharama.
  28. Chest. Use Knock-Picks to enter the room.
  29. Condemned Area. Use Old City Acces Key from Prof. Wunderland.
  30. Old City.
  31. Chest.
  32. Belcanzor's Magic Emporum.
  33. Constabulary. Enter code found on Black Wafer to enter (BYYR).
  34. Prison Key.
  35. Capt. Boerigard.
  36. Forbidden Zone. Use Control Card found in Shritis' chest.
  37. Strange Machine. Use Comm-Link Device found in Umpani Detache Vault. First connect with server written on Terminal Parchment and ask for Files/Personnel/Vi Domina. Vitalia will appear but also Dark Savant who will imprison Vi in Security Cell - connect then to the server written on Android Parchment to deactivate Security Cell. Then go into Cell to meet Vitalia again.
  38. Security Cell. Vitalia will give you her Device - use it when you'll be in the Tomb of the Astral Dominae.
  39. Battle - when you'll return with *Astral* *Dominae* use Vitalia's Device. You'll meet Dark Savant and have to choose between Vitalia's life or the Globe. After you choose Girl Umpani and T'Rang will appear and you'll have to join to one side. [ENDGAME]
  40. To Myrmideon Forest & Bay.
  41. To Sea of Sorrows.
  42. To Eryn Bay.

Abbey Cellar

  1. Exit to the New City.
  2. Healing fountains.
  3. Chest containing *Legend* Map.

Old City

  1. Exit to the New City.
  2. Lever opens the gate.
  3. Secret button.
  4. Chest with Old City Key.
  5. Gate. Use Old City Key found in the chest at 4.
  6. Secret button.
  7. Chest.
  8. Secret button.
  9. Chest. Contains *Dragon* Map.
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